Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors Accountable to Voters on Project Labor Agreement
On August 17, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors will vote on requiring companies to sign a Project Labor Agreement with unions as a condition of working on county construction contracts. See the meeting agenda item here:
The Coalition for Fair Employment in Construction, in conjunction with local business groups, is working to inform ordinary households in Santa Barbara County about this threat to fiscal responsibility and local employment. Here are steps we are taking to alert the public:
• Radio Ads: running on local stations all day long for five days
• Mailers: sent to tens of thousands of voters
• Phone Calls: tens of thousands of residents are receiving them to encourage them to call their Supervisors
• Text Messages: sent to tens of thousands of County residents starting today
• Website: view it at KeepSantaBarbaraCountyFiscallyResponsible.com
• Social Media Ads: running on Facebook
• Radio Interviews: local talk radio stations
• Commentaries: local newspapers
See contact information for the five members of the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors.