The Coalition for Fair Employment in Construction promotes open competition and equal opportunity for all workers - whether union or non-union.
In pursuing our objectives, CFEC educates elected officials, small business owners, and taxpayers about discriminatory contracting practices such as union-only Project Labor Agreements (PLAs), unfair requirements that drive up the cost of construction and corresponding abusive tactics such as "greenmail".
CFEC promotes fair and open competition in the construction industry. No one should be denied the right to compete for state construction projects.
On behalf of our stakeholders - the builders, contractors, apprentices, and construction workers of California - we will stand up and be counted as the voice of the underrepresented contracting majority whenever fairness and open competition is threatened.
With state and local budgets stretched to the limit and essential public services on the chopping block, elected officials need to ensure that taxpayers get the most out of every tax dollar. That requires open competition on publicly funded projects. Discrimination is unacceptable and drives up the cost of construction substantially.
The men and women comprising the construction work force should retain the right to elect to be, or not to be, represented by a union. Their participation on a particular construction project should be based on the merit of the work – not whether they hold a union membership card.
PO Box 1627
Poway, CA 92074
Need to Talk
(858) 633-6523
Office Hours
Monday thru Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm